What are the possible dry mouth remedies?

  • 4 min read

Dry mouth or xerostomia is an unpleasant condition that develops when the production of saliva is reduced below normal limits. Besides giving your mouth a dry, cottony sensation, a lot of oral health concerns can also result due to this medical problem. Although it may not be severe, it sure can be bothersome. Who enjoys the feeling of sand scraping down the sides of their throat? A dry mouth can not only hinder your speech and mouth function, but it can also give your mouth an offensive gravelly feeling. Does your mouth feel like it’s been scorched and seared out in the sun? Is dry mouth coming in the way of your comfort and are you unable to escape its clutches?

Don’t worry, we are here to help you kick this nuisance out of your life. Here are a few remedies that can help you get rid of dry mouth and throat.

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Sometimes, it can be as simple as that- just drink more water. If you are losing more water than you are intaking, you could be giving your body a green signal for dehydration. When you allow your body to dehydrate and shrivel, moisture is pulled out of your mouth and causes dryness. A dry mouth can give you bad breath. Don’t stink, just drink!

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water regularly. A dehydrated body is like a welted plant, water your body and see it flourish! 

  • Stock up on sugar-free gums
  • Chewing sugar-free gums can help stimulate saliva flow and may also promote saliva production, preventing the mouth from drying out. Sucking on sugarless candies like cough drops or lozenges helps keep your mouth closed and keep the saliva circulating. One of the best products that can give you relief from dry mouth isSt Andrew’s Trust Dry Mouth Lozenges and chewing gum. Although these can give you short-term relief from dry mouth, they work almost instantaneously. So, chew away!

  • Lay off mouth-drying habits
  • A lot of your everyday routine may be harming your mouth. Dehydration is a prime cause of dry mouth and a lot of your habits may be causing it without you knowing! Steer clear of these practices that dehydrate your body:

    • Take a break from caffeine: Caffeine can hinder the saliva from freely circulating. Substitute tea and coffee with water or fresh fruit juices.
    • Limit alcohol use: Alcohol drys out the mouth and can cause discomfort. So before you down that fifth drink at the bar, try not to!
    • Stop smoking: The chemicals in tobacco products or even vape pipes can slow down saliva production. Say no to smoking!
    • Go sugar-less!: Sugar can cause dehydration and lead to dry mouth. Try sugar-free beverages for a change.
  • Grab a humidifier
  • If the indoor air feels drier than normal or if you are a mouth breather, you may need extra help to keep your mouth moist and healthy. Keep a humidifier in rooms where you spend the most time, preferably in your bedroom. Add a humidifier to your cart on your next shopping spree and help your mouth from drying out. 

  • Breathe through your nose
  • Breathing through the mouth can swiftly dry your airways. If you are consistently waking up in the morning with a super dry mouth and scratchy throat, you are most likely a mouth breather. Make a conscious effort to practice breathing through your nose. Consult your doctor to find a permanent solution to your habit of mouth breathing.

  • Maintain proper oral hygiene
  • Poor oral hygiene can be a risk factor in causing dry mouth. Take proper care of your oral hygiene to make sure you are rid of dry mouth and all its notorious symptoms. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and floss once a day to maintain proper oral prophylaxis. You can also use a tongue scraper and an alcohol-free mouthwash for a pristine mouth. A little can go a long way!

  • Try herbal remedies
  • A wide variety of herbs are sialogogues, which means that they stimulate the production of saliva and help moisturize the mouth with an adequate supply of saliva. Ginger, aloe vera and sweet peppers are natural saliva-inducing medicines. Make your way to the garden and get these easy relievers.

  • Try over-the-counter saliva substitutes
  • You can look for non-prescription medications that act as saliva substitutes or artificial saliva to give you short-term relief against xerostomia.

  • Avoid medications that may worsen the condition
  • Some medications may target the salivary glands to lower the production of saliva in the mouth. Anti-depressants, antihistamines, and medications for high blood pressure are some of the medications that can cause dry mouth. Ask your doctor to switch your medications to a mouth-friendly one.

    To make sure your dry mouth does not get out of hand, make sure you seek out remedies that can help you get relief. Try out the dry mouth products range from St Andrew's Trust with natural beneficial ingredients.

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